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Sub-board: Playable Races


Here you will find all of the rules, rosters and information needed to progress through this new world.

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Sub-board: Approved Applications

Character Creation

You can find a copy of the template in the rules which are pinned in announcements.

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Sub-board: Character's Purchases


Here you will find various items for sale. While the items are generic, you can RP getting them within whichever kingdom you belong too.

last post in Advertising online and actively involving generation by account_disabled Oct 26, 2023 7:15:25 GMT

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Sub-board: Progression

Grading Center

Once you have finished a thread, submit it in the appropriate thread here for grading!

last post in 代理机构 箭头图标 掌握数字市场 by account_disabled Dec 23, 2023 8:20:27 GMT

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Kingdom of Reyksia

Adventurer's Academy

The adventurers academy is located on neutral territory so that it may foster good will between all kingdoms, and accept those of any country, race or culture.

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Sub-board: The Great Market

Mitran, the City of Trade

: Located in the border between Reyksia, the Alainian Empire, and the Land of Flames of Ezo, Mitran is the biggest city in the Kingdom, with a flourishing commerce and diverse population. It is said that if a race exists in the world, it can be found in Mitran.

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Sub-board: Academy of Magical Arts

Brauda, The Royal City

The second largest city in the Kingdom, and the home of the King. t has an enormous wall around the city, the wall has 4 main gates, the South Gate, the East Gate, the West Gate, and the most impressive Water Gate, providing protection from attacks even from the sea.

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Dragon's Tooth

The highest mountain in the known world, the place is known to be crawled with Wyverns and even some dragons, being an extremely dangerous place to roam. In the area immediately around the region, other Monsters such as goblins, hobgoblins, and even ogres roam, but for some reason, they don't really leave the area. The Kingdom frequently sent parties to raid those lands, but so far they were unable to deal with this issue.

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The Great Woodlands

Encompassing most of the central region of the Kingdom and around the Bay area, the Great Woodlands are formed by two main forest areas: the Forest of Mitran to the North and the Dark Woods to the south, with the Bay separating both parts. A lot of the woodlands remain untouched despite the growth of the Kingdom and still carry plenty of mysteries, weird creatures and many types of fairies, and some other magical creatures.

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Alainian Empire

Sub-board: Lake Lacryma


he Capital of the Alainian Empire is a sight to behold. From those observing it from afar, it looks like a dense forest flowing in golden light, almost as if the stars had decided to leave the skies and make the woods their home.

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Fort of Cedars

At the feet of the Howling Mountains, near the southern border, the Fort of Cedars is the watchful eye of the elves on the Methasian Union. This fortified city is the headquarters of the southern army, responsible for keeping the threat of the beastpeople under control.

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The trade city located near the border of the Empire, Ezo, and the Kingdom of Reyksia, Iskari is the most important commercial city in the realm, as it is the place where most foreign goods enter the elven lands.

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Howling Mountains

To the northwest, the Howling Mountains create a natural border between the Empire and the Methasian Union.

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Althina's Yard

The forest near the Land of Flames of Ezo is the largest in the realm. It is guarded by the druids of Cor'Pirru, who usually try to scare people away from these woods. Although beautiful and full of life, the woods are also perilous. The trees and bushes are known to shift places from time to time. Moreover, whoever loses their way in these woods eventually loses their lifeforce and becomes specters.

last post in Journey to the East [Nixie] by Siegfried Dalgaard May 6, 2021 20:55:28 GMT

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Lake of Beginning

The place where the Goddess Wylka molded the elves' body, this frozen Lake never melted, and its ice is so hard that it's almost impossible to break it. Some smaller elven villages are built on top of this ice, mainly by those most faithful to Wylka who seek a simple life of worship and adoration.

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Methasian Union

Sub-board: Arena of Glory

Ahohora, the City of a Hundred Beasts

The City of a Hundred Beasts. The largest settlement in the Methasian Union, Ahohora is strategically located in between the Great Lakes. The city has many pastures for cattle and some smaller farms mingling itself in a sort of orderly chaos in the extension of the city.

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The most fortified city in the Methasian Union, it is located near the eastmost border with the Alainian Empire. Every member of the Methasian Union has to serve at least one year in Zalaha to learn about military tactics and to get a glimpse of the lands of their elven enemies.

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Great Lakes

The Great Lakes are a font of life to the Methasian Union, providing them with enough fresh water and food so they can support their ever growing number of people. Unlike most of their land, there are no dangers lurking in its waters, and because of that, they see them as a gift from Triton to them, as a way to compensate them for making the Southern Ocean so dangerous.

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Golden Plains

At the southwestern part of the Methasian Union lies the Golden Plains, named after the golden grass rich in nutrients that grow in the place. They are a vast piece, so vast that most people crossing its area use either horses or ground dragons as means of transportation. Due to its extent, it is easy to get lost in the Golden Plains, and locals use the rock formations and the movement of the birds to locate themselves during daytime, and the stars in the skies during nighttime.

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Howling Valley

Near the Great Ice Plains lies the Howling Valley, a dangerous place where the Behemoth hides before its rampage. Many other dangerous beasts live in the valley, and old folklore tells that misbehaved beastpeople are taken to the Howling Valley to appease the Behemoth, in order to make people fear and avoid the place.

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Shogunate of Ezo

Sub-board: Red Light District

Fushimi, the City of Lights

Blessed by a bright starlight sky, the capital of the Shogunate is a beautiful sight. With its unique architecture, woods of constant cherry blossom and bamboo, many pagodas, castles and temples, the City of Lights is a quite lively place. Although not as big as many other capital cities in the world, Fushimi’s unique charm and dynamic pace sets it apart. Unfortunately, very few people from the outside are able to set foot in the City of Lights, and those lucky enough to be granted passage, are faced with many different restrictions as to where they can go in the city.

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Sub-board: Forest of Illusions

Hakashi, the City of Stars

Named due to the constantly clear dark sky filled with stars, Hakashi is the brightest city on mainland Ezo, and known for its beautiful stars and aurora borealis, despite the lack of sunlight. The city is the centre of culture and arts for the demonic empire, and it is known for its proximity with the Forest of Illusions, a dangerous, yet alluring place in Ezo.

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Sub-board: Blacksmith's Village

Moyasu, the City of Flames

The main city in the Land of Flames, Moyasu is a busy city. Although the majority of the people are still demons, the demons in Moyasu are far more friendly to outsiders, despite their mostly nocturnal habits. It’s commerce isn’t as lively as the ones in the nearby cities of the elves and humans, but as the only place in the Shogunate open to foreign trade, it attracts its share of people.

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Tsumeru, the City of Ice

More of a fortress than a city, Tsumeru is the northernmost outpost of Ezo, near the Northern Glacier, sharing its borders with the Kingdom of Reyksia. Most of the population are members of the military and their immediate families. The city is heavily fortified with tall buildings and thick walls, and despite the peace with the humans, the citizens are still very suspicious of any sort of outsiders.

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Magic Society of Cloudia


The Castle in the Sky: The Capital of Cloudia is a floating city that moves around the territory of the country. It was built using a mountain as its base, which was later lifted to the skies by the Achmagis powerful magic.

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The Tower in the Sky: The home of the Tower of Trails, the biggest magic university in the known world, Krest welcomes all of those who seek the knowledge of magic, and it's a hub to many races, even though it is still majorly human.

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Sub-board: Island of Ruins


The Monolith in the Sky: Floating atop the Island of Ruins, Sophin is the smallest of the cities in the sky. With the strongest magical barrier among all of them, reinforced by the monoliths in both the Island of Ruins and the floating city itself, it’s deemed an impregnable city.

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Glass Hills

Despite their name, they are not really made of glass, but the hills did become transparent due to the unearthly amount of magic used to lift the Cities in the Skies. They are entirely invisible to those looking at it from more than five miles away, which can make unprepared travelers quite confused. Another danger of this location is that all the creatures native to the area also became invisible to the eyes. Animals such as bears, mountain lions, poisonous snakes are all invisible, and their numbers are extensive due to the difficulty in killing them.

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Empire of Draveria

Sub-board: Plaza of Conquest

Lugaeve, the Crimson City

The Imperial Capital is a reflection of the pride of the Draverians. Its architecture reflects the megalomaniac mindset of the realm, as they see themselves as the rightful heirs of the whole world.

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Valorian is a city of inventions, where a lot of the Others resided during their time in Draveria. The city is also famous for their archers, users of the legendary Draverian Long Bow, a weapon credited with many of the Draverian accomplishments, second only to the dragonriders.

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Bista-Brela attracted many visitors thanks to its Colosseum, where slaves and prisoners are forced to fight against other prisoners, beasts, and ground dragons to the entertainment of the Draverians.

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Bellum Peninsula

This small piece of land is cause of many conflicts between Lifia and Draveria due to the Mines of Vargha Ore, a special metal that can be forged using dragon fire to create impressive weapons that rival the craftsmanship of the elves. Because of that, the Draverian Empire put a real effort in conquering the place during the Battle of the Bay of Blood. The loss of the Peninsula is still a sore spot for the Lifians.

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Bay of Blood

It gains its name from the difficulty in navigating its waters due to the changing currents, as well as the numerous sea monsters that claim the bay as its home. Among those creatures lies the Leviathan, one of the legendary beasts of the world. This water serpent sleeps for centuries, but when it wakes up, destruction follows. Because of that, only the bravest venture into the Bay of Blood.

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Hills of Ashes

To the south of Draveria, near the glaciers, lies the Hills of Ashes, the breeding ground of the Wyverns. Although smaller and less dangerous than a dragon, their strength, ability to breath fire, and terrible temperament makes those hills an extremely dangerous place to visit, and most people who decide to explore it end up dead. However, this is also the place where most aspiring dragonriders go to try and claim a mount of their own. Coming back from the Hills of Ashes with a Wyvern as your stead is enough to make someone be considered for a lordship.

last post in Ash and Blood [Aegon] by Dorin Mondragon May 6, 2021 20:16:35 GMT

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Dragon Island

Before the invasion of Draveria, there wasn’t much to be seen in the Dragon Island. It’s rocky and unfertile terrain was only used as a brief stop by the fishermen of Lifia, but since the Empire claimed its territory, they build Fort Doom, a gigantic fortress where a large platoon of dragonriders live and train, preparing to fly to battle at a moment’s notice. Any ship or creature that approaches the island without authorization is immediately obliterated by the dragonriders, and so far, no army was able to even set foot on the land.

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United Kingdoms of Lifia

Sub-board: Commercial Plaza

Galia, the city of unity

Galia was chosen as the capital of the United Kingdoms due to its strategic location and easy escape route to the Galian Bay. With thick walls surrounding the city, and well-defended by its crossbowmen and its special cavalry of Griffons, the city learned how to repel the violent attacks from their enemies.

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Midron, the city of ships

The city is located in the Island of Midron, in the middle of the bay. The difficult waters and constant icebergs made the inhabitants of Midron among the best sailors in the entire world.

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Sub-board: House of the Arcane


To the northwest of Lifia lies the former capital of the old Kingdom of Kritis. Without a doubt, Lundene is the second largest city in the United Kingdoms, losing only to Galia.

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Sub-board: Military Development Centre


The northernmost settlement representing the proud Kingdom of Ciwyth, Bebbanburg, and the main military centre of the United Kingdoms, the city is dangerously close to the Draverian Territory in the Bellum Peninsula. Although it has a fame of being an impregnable fortress, Bebbanburg once fell to the hands of the Draverians, and since it was reclaimed, the fortress was reinforced and modernize and today stands as a bastion of hope and strength of Lifia, which tends to make their citizens a little more conceited than the rest of their countrymen.

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Galian Bay

nlike the Bay of Frost, the Galian Bay’s peaceful waters are easy to navigate and provide a quick access to the Northern Ocean. Most of the fishermen of the lands to the south navigate to the Galian Bay to restock themselves before heading to the open waters, and as such, the Bay booms with trade.

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Near the border with Reyksia, this sparsely populated area is known for its extreme natural beauty. The Griffons claim the hills and small mountains of the highlands as their mating grounds, and as such, the place can be dangerous to humans and other humanoid races, but some villages claim the Highlands as their home.

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Bay of Frost

Filled with icebergs and dangerous currents, the Bay of Frost is not a place for the fainthearted. Constant mist makes visibility a rare luxury, and dangerous monsters lurk in its wates, but the Lifians learned how to avoid its treacherous waters, and how to tame its currents and made the Bay of Frost their home. The bay connects all the four ancient kingdoms that became Lifia, and provides it with a fast means of crossing the large extension of the Kingdom. It is also said that the reason Lifia didn’t fall completely to Draveria was because they were stopped by the dangers of the Bay, and since then, the place has been seen as a blessing and protection from the God Triton.

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Forest of Oaks

Encompassing a huge part of the eastern Lifia, extending through the regions of Collen to the South and Midron to the North, the Forest of Oaks is a rich environment in itself. The woodlands are protected by druids and other magical creatures of the forest, such as dryads and fairies, who usually clash with the locals whenever they start abusing the resources of the forest. They only partially subject themselves to the rule of the United Kingdoms, and mostly see them as allies against the threat of the Draverians.

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General Discussion

You can talk about anything here.

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Sub-board: Affiliate Requests


All ads go here, doesn't matter if it's a first post or a link back. You may bump your ad every 7 days.

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